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您当前的位置:标识网 » 企业会员 » 供应产品 » 供应梅塞尔M-16西安咸阳宝鸡天水数控火焰切割机
产 品: 浏览次数:485供应梅塞尔M-16西安咸阳宝鸡天水数控火焰切割机 
型 号: M-16 
品 牌: 梅塞尔 
单 价: 325000.00元/套 
最小起订量: 1 套 
供货总量: 10 套
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
更新日期: 2013-08-29  有效期至:长期有效

★ 数控火焰等离子激光切割机;
★ 剪板机,折弯机,卷板机;
★ 快走丝、中走丝、慢走丝线切割机床;
★ 宝鸡机床,沈阳机床,大连机床;
★ 加工中心,工业自动化生产线;
★ 金属打包机,压块机,剪切机,剪断机,冲剪生产线;
★ 拉丝机,油压机,冲床,拉床,插床,刨床,镗铣床;
★ 切削液,线切割液,多线切割液,乳化液,工业清洗剂;
★ 数控刀具,包括加工中心用刀具和 数控车床用刀具;
★ 螺纹护套及工具,模具夹具;
★ 机床配套附件,寻边器,对刀仪,刀具研磨机,虎钳等;
★ 带锯床,带锯条,圆锯机,圆锯片,硬质合金刀具;
★ 电焊机,点焊机,电阻焊机,焊接机器人生产线;
★ 工业清洗机,工业机器人;
★ 手动叉车,吸盘,吊装机器,起重设备;
★ 石墨碳素单晶硅多晶硅太阳能生产线。
★ 德国梅塞尔数控切割机;
★ 艾克数控剪板机,折弯机;                                                      
★ 三菱多线切割机床;
★ 台湾友嘉加工中心;
★ 天津津华打包机,压块机;
★ PRAMET普拉米特数控刀具;
★ STANNY世邦加工中心用镗刀;                                                      
★ HAIMER海默3D寻边器,对中仪,刀柄加热机;
★ 山东云清切削液;
★ JusTT刀柄、刀杆、刀片、铣刀及刀片;
★ 富士泰带锯床,德国威库斯带锯条;
★ 日立电焊机,时代点焊机;
★ 中州起重设备,牛力手动叉车;
★ 三洋石墨碳素单晶硅多晶硅生产线。
    今天鼎盛员工奉行“进取 求实 严谨 团结”的方针,不断开拓创新,以用户为核心、视服务为生命、竭诚为您提供性价比最高的机电产品及无微不至的售后服务。     
     公司拥有自己的生产销售工程师队伍,能在最短时间内为客户提供优质的售前、售中、售后服务。反应迅速、价格合理、供货及时、诚信经营是公司获得成功的重要因素之一。在经济全球化的今天, “宝鸡鼎盛机电设备有限公司”将不断提升自我,打造完美诚信企业。竭诚欢迎新老客户前来洽谈业务。 


    宝鸡鼎盛公司在2008年通过GB/T19001-2000 ISO 9001:2000质量管理体系认证,先后被宝鸡市信誉评级委员会评为“信誉等级AAA级企业”,被陕西省质量检测中心授予“质量信誉保证单位”,被宝鸡市质量检测中心授予“技术领先、管理科学、质量优良、服务周到”单位。 
    进入二十一世纪第二个十年,公司将依托一流的产品、一流的服务、一流的团队、一流的管理,凭借公司现有的品牌,增加优秀品牌,本着“以客户的满意为己任”的经营理念,向广大用户提供更优质的服务。同时,公司更需要广大客户的建议和支持,我们诚意接受批评与指导!宝鸡鼎盛机电设备有限公司与您共创美好未来!    The Baoji heyday Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. was established in 2005, is a professional machine tools, mechanical and electrical products agency, installation, and after-sales service professional company. Since the date of the establishment, has always been committed to providing quality products and professional services for the mechanical processing enterprises, and strive to become a collaborative partner and technical advisor of the mechanical processing enterprises. In order to further provide customers with faster and more attentive service. The company's business is based in Baoji, covering Northwest Southwest has initially set up to cover a nationwide sales and service network.
    We have an experienced, professional staff, and established a good cooperative relations with domestic and foreign suppliers. Procurement of parts, equipment, and we can provide you with detailed professional technical support and product quality assurance and the best price. We sell a large number of imported spare parts directly from manufacturers stock the full range of products, superior quality, reasonable price, prompt delivery. After seven years of development, has established good business relationship with the surrounding area Machinery Factory, with the well-known enterprises at home and abroad to establish long-term relationship, and supply and marketing network.
The company main products are:
★ CNC flame and plasma laser cutting machine;
★ shearing machine, bending machine, bending machine;
★ Fast wire, wire, wire cutting machine bed;
★ Baoji Machine Tool, Shenyang Machine Tool, Dalian Machine Tool;
★ machining centers, industrial automation, production line;
★ metal balers, briquetting machine, shearing machine, shearing machine, punching production line;
★ wire drawing machine, hydraulic machine, punching, broaching, slotting machines, planers, boring and milling machine;
★ cutting fluid, wire cutting fluid, multi-line cutting fluid, emulsion, industrial cleaning agents;
★ CNC tools, including machining centers with tool and CNC lathe with the tool;
★ Thread jacket and tools, molds, fixtures;
★ machine matching accessories, edge finder, knife, tool grinders, vice;
★ band sawing machine, band saw blades, circular saws, circular saw blades, carbide cutting tools;
★ welding machine, spot welding, resistance welding machine, welding robot production line;
★ industrial cleaning machines, industrial robots;
★ manual forklifts, sucker, lifting machinery, lifting equipment;
★ graphite carbon monocrystalline silicon solar production line.
Product brand:
★ Germany Messer CNC cutting machine;
★ Ike CNC shearing machine, bending machine;
★ Mitsubishi multi-WEDM;
★ Friends of Taiwan the Jiajia work center;
★ Tianjin China balers, briquetting machine;★ PRAMET Pula Mitt CNC tool;
★ STANNY World Banga work center using a boring tool;
★ the HELICOIL wire spiral;
★ the HAIMER Alzheimer 3D edge finder on the instrument, shank heating machine;
★ Shandong Yunqing cutting fluid;
★ JusTT shank, shanks, blades, cutters and blades;
★ rich the Shitai with sawing, Germany Wei Kusi band saw blades;
★ Hitachi welding machine, the era of spot welding;
★ Central Plains lifting equipment, oxen manual forklifts;
★ Sanyo graphite carbon monocrystalline silicon production line.
Our journey has
    In order to adapt to the continuous development of the market and customer demand for high quality products, adhering to "professional quality, enhance the quality of marketing; integrity and thoughtful service for development" business philosophy, improve service quality, and strive to continuously enhance the productivity and competitiveness. active work.
    Companies rely on faith and development, continue to provide users with on the basis of satisfactory quality products at the same time we also provide rapid technical advisory services in the process of development, continue to conduct exchanges and cooperation with many international famous companies, maintenance, debugging is rapidly increasing, and technology improvements in all aspects of comprehensive ability, have been expanding. The company has been built in the early trading company into a comprehensive technical, administered trade, sales maintenance and system integration of three departments, practical to provide customers with excellent products and quality service.
    The peak employees adhere to the "rigorous and realistic progressive unity" policy, and constantly open innovation, user-centric services for life and dedication to provide you with the most cost-effective mechanical and electrical products and meticulous service.
    Quality is the life, talent is the guarantee of quality. The company's products remain invincible in the fierce market competition, long-term, the company hired a group of 3-5 years industry experience in sales and service staff, dedication to provide customers with quick, thoughtful installation, commissioning maintenance, training and other train services.
     The company has its own production and sales team of engineers, in the shortest possible time to provide customers with quality pre-sale, service. Quick response, reasonable price, timely delivery, integrity management is an important factor in the company's success. Economic globalization today, the the Baoji peak Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. "will continue to upgrade themselves, to create the perfect corporate integrity. We sincerely welcome new and old customers to negotiate business.

Product applications
   The modern rationale of the the Baoji peak Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. distribution of 12 categories and more than 100 kinds of products, equipment widely used in machining, metallurgy forging, mechanical and electrical manufacturing, hardware and building materials, automotive parts, electrical and so many other industries. Users covered by machinery, mechanical and electrical, automotive, petrochemical, aerospace, mechanical and electrical, petroleum, chemical, construction, electricity, railways, shipbuilding and other industries. After seven years of hard work, and the well-known manufacturers in the global good relations of cooperation to provide excellent product quality, affordable prices and good service; Our goal is to strive for productive enterprises to save costs and improve product competitiveness .

High-speed development
    With the the Baoji peak growing and development, the company from a single device sales developed into a trade, maintenance and reconstruction, to cultivate talent as one of the enterprises. In the past few years, the company has participated in a session of the Western Fair, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Forum, and joined the Shaanxi Electrical Industry Association.
Part of the Honor
    Baoji peak GB/T19001-2000 the ISO 9001:2000 quality management system certification in 2008, has been the credit rating of Baoji City Commission as a "credit rating, AAA Enterprise" by the Quality Inspection Center of Shaanxi Province was awarded the "credibility of the quality assurance unit "Quality Inspection Center of Baoji City awarded the" leading technology, scientific management, excellent quality, good service "units.
    The second decade of the twenty-first century, the company will rely on first-class products, first-class service, first-class team, first-class management, by virtue of the company's existing brand, increase the outstanding brand spirit of "customer satisfaction as its mission "business philosophy to provide customers with better service. The same time, companies need advice and support of our customers, We accept the criticism and guidance! The Baoji peak electrical and mechanical equipment with you to create a better future!
