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单 价: 面议
品 牌: 未填写
所在地: 山东济南市
更 新: 2024-07-07
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条幅机-我们最专业!Banner imprinter--we are the most professional!〈BR〉机器型号(Printer model):〈BR〉 ADL V8-1200型 〈BR〉 ADL V8-1350型 〈BR〉 ADL V8-1600型〈BR〉奥德利V8系列全自动条幅机(专业型) 国内第一台,优于同行,无于伦比!〈BR〉Audley Full Automatic Banner Imprinters for Exporting The first one in China,unparalleledand extraordinary!〈BR〉1、彻底解决书写有横纹的难题,书写更为流畅,字迹非常饱满,干燥更为迅速,超越丝印条幅,可与热转印媲美;〈BR〉 Smooth printing without horizontal lines.Sharp prints and short drying time make it can compare with sublimation.〈BR〉2、50MM特大超宽写字平面,超出同类产品一倍还多,书写更快更流畅;〈BR〉 50MM wide printing surface,over twice than similar products.Printing more quickly and smoothly.〈BR〉3、自动放布功能,配备专业限位卡,防止布走偏走斜;〈BR〉 Feeding cloth automatically,professional locating clip will prevent the cloth running in wrong direction.〈BR〉4、先进的墨路设计,便捷的墨瓶外挂装置,清洗使用更为快捷;〈BR〉 Advanced ink lines design,comvenient outside ink system,easy for cleaning and using.〈BR〉5、采用美国原装进口墨泵,高速机为德国进口大功率墨泵,一泵顶五泵;〈BR〉 Adopting of ink pump from USA and ink pump from Germany in highspeed printer.〈BR〉6、使用多种软件、多种笔头、多种写字模式,方便快捷;〈BR〉 Use of various sortwares,printer heads and print modes.Convenient and effictive.〈BR〉7、操作简单,电脑排版,即排即写,即写即干,可做到一人操作多台机器,工作效率大大提高;〈BR〉 User friendly,typesetting by computers. One person can orerate serveral printers,improving effiency greatly〈BR〉8、具备条幅机和刻字机两种机器功能,使购买者更为实惠;〈BR〉 Having the functions of banner imprinter and carving printer,more cconomical to buyers.〈BR〉9、墨水色彩丰富(白、黄、红、蓝、绿、黑、金、银)任您选择。〈BR〉 Inks of rich colors,White/Yellow/Red/blue/Green/Black/Golden color/Silver color for your choice.〈BR〉 〈/P〉〈P〉

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