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单 价: 150USD
品 牌: 未填写
所在地: 全国
更 新: 2024-10-05
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1.美观,适应时代潮流。 2、专用细分集成电路,精度高、速度快、噪音低。 3、独特的高强度“刺状”走纸辊,长幅面走纸精度更高,绝无偏差。彻底解决了“砂辊”掉砂,“铝辊”“滚花辊”易损走偏的难题。 4、支持文泰、CorelDRAW 刻绘大师、神雕等刻绘软件,直接支持AUTOCAD,直接输出绘制各种设计图纸。 5、运行中可随时调节压力、速度,也可在运行中“急停”、“暂停、“偏移”等。 6、大屏幕高亮度汉字液晶显示。 7、1M~4M内存。 8、重复刻绘功能。 9、连续自检功能。 10、防碰撞功能。〈BR〉简而言之,本机器具有高精度,高速度,噪音小,曲直线速度一致,刀压大,脱机快,具有落刀软着陆特点.标准DM/PL语言样式,速度较快,对软件的兼容性更强,可通过COREDRAW,文泰,刻绘大师、神雕等直接输出〈BR〉1.Luxury beauty and adapt the trend of the times. 〈BR〉2.Exclusive subdivision integrated circuits, high precision, speed, low noise.〈BR〉3.A unique high-intensity “thorn-like“ paper-roll, long paper-Format higher accuracy, no deviation. Completely resolve the “sand roll“ out sand, “Al Roll,“ “Roll Knurling“ Fragile shaken into the wrong problem. 〈BR〉4.Support Wentai, CorelDRAW apiece Masters, chat software, mouse, the direct support of AutoCAD, drawing direct output of design drawings.〈BR〉5.Can be run at any time adjustment pressure, speed and can also run in the “exigency stop,“ “suspended“ migration. “ 〈BR〉6.Big screen, high-brightness LCD characters. 〈BR〉7.1 M~4M large memory. 〈BR〉8.Repetitive mouse functions. 〈BR〉9.Consecutive self-test function. 〈BR〉10. Anti-collision function.〈BR〉 In a word,this machine has a high speed and low noise . With the name speed in curve line and straight line. Carving pressure and and quick separation .Standard DM/PL language pattern,with a high speed.It can be typed through CORELDAW directly.

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