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厂家直销LED单面翻盖超薄灯箱 广告灯箱(Led slim light box)

单 价: 138.00元/台 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-07-03
浏览次数: 750

★ 采用丝印或雕刻的优质导光板背光,光线均匀;
★ 适用于:机场、车站、地铁、连锁经营店、室内装饰、公司招牌、商业中心、超级市场、银行、巴士车站、地铁站,大型展览工程等场所。
Body size
Image size
Visual size
Type of Tube
 电 源
Power supply
K-A1-1-FS634×881×18604×851594×8415led-18WAC  100-240V587
K-A2-1-FS460×634×18430×604420×5942.5led-13WAC  100-240V307
K-A3-1-FS337×460×18307×430297×4201.3LED-5WAC  100-240V193
K-A4-1-FS250×337×18220×307210×2970.8LED-4WAC  100-240V140

备注:     主营产品:LED 铝框超薄灯箱led 广告牌,亚克力灯箱,LED/CCFL磁吸水晶灯箱,LED荧光手写板,LED魔术镜面灯箱,     产品特点:         *引进最先进生产技术,严格控制产品质量         *使用高质量日本三菱浇筑亚克力板,透光性能好,光线匀称         *led灯使用寿命超过50,000 小时         *超薄产品,最薄可至10MM         *环保,85%以上的材料可回收   Ma   inly Productions: LED aluminum frame super thin light box, LED advertising sign, Acrylic light box, LED writing board, LED magic mirror light box The  advantages of our products:* Manufactured by the latest technology,*Used high quality LGP (light guide plate) and Acrylic sheet.*Super slim, the thickness of the whole product is 10MM, 20MM, 23MM, and 25MM and so on.*SMD LED light source has a long lifetime.*Eco-recyclable, 85% materials can be recycled.     目录一:安全说明Safety Instructions …………………………… …………………………… ……………………1 二:灯箱剖析图Light Box's Profile chart …………………… …………………… …………………… ……….2 三 :安装步骤Installation’s steps……………………………………………………………………………… 2.3 四:常见问题的解决方法Common problems and solutions…………………………………………………………………4 五:警告、注意Warning,Attention…………………………………………………………………………….....5 六:产品认证Certifications ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………5  灯箱安装使用说明书Light box Setup and use instructions 使用产品前请详细阅读并注意以下安全防范以确保正确使用本产品Please read the instructions carefully before using the product. 一:安全说明( Safety Instructions )为了让您更放心和有效地使用本公司的产品,请由专业人员安装本产品 环境 -------- 不要在高温(40 ℃ 以上)、潮湿(80% 以上)的地方使用。 电源 -------- 接通电源前,请检查产品所标示电压(见灯箱背面)是否与该场地电压相符,切勿超负荷使用。 清洁 -------- 本产品耐磨力为 2h ,清洁时注意勿用微粒清洁产品及腐蚀性清洁产品。 In order to effectively and correctly use of our products, please install the products from the professionals Environment --- Do not use the light box above temperature (over40 ℃ )and humidity (over80%) of the places. Power --- Please check whether the product voltage (back of light box) is the same to the place voltage before switch on. Do not overload. Cleaning— 2h abrasive resistance, Do not use particle cleaning product and corrosiveness product.  三 :安装步骤(附图) --- --- --- --- Installation’s steps (with photos) 1 、确定灯箱安装的位置,根据实际情况和灯箱品种,确定安装方法。 2 、 测量尺寸:根据灯箱背面的安装孔位置或现场实际尺寸来确定安装灯箱的固定点。 3 、接线:正常灯箱电源线的出口端在背面,(自配有电源线),直接接入电源即可。 4  、固定灯箱:把灯箱的上盖打开,对正固定点安装(即用电钻在灯箱底座电源线位置钻孔,用水平尺调整成水平状态 ) ; 5  、 通电亮灯,清洁灯箱表面即可。 6  、定期检查灯箱,延长灯箱使用寿命 7、 导光板超薄灯箱采用电子镇流器,易产生感应电,安装时注意接好地线以示安全。  1 .Conform the location of installation of light boxes, according to the actual situations to determine the installation’ s methods. 2... Measure size: According to the place and the light box size, measures the installation’s size. 3. Connect wire: Normally the exit end of the power line is at the back of the light box, (power line included), connect the power. 4. Fix the light-box Open the front cover of the light box, match the assembling point. Using electronic drill the hole at the back of the power line position, fix the new power line, use the ruler to keep it is straight 5. Switch on and clean the light box surface. 6. Please do the periodical inspections then could prolong light box using life. 7. LGP of light box adapt to electronic ballast, can easy make the electric induction. For your safety, please pay attention to connect the ground  

四:常见问题的解决方法( Common problems and solutions ) 若使用本产品时出现异常情况,请参照下表情况排除处理。  普通超薄灯箱   镜面超薄灯箱   If the light box was Abnormality, Please refer to the table exclude processing conditions  五:警告、注意( Warning! Attention! )  六:产品认证( Certifications )我们的产品电源通过 CE,ROHS等认证,电源适配器拥有各个不同国家的认证,您可以放心安全使用。Our product has pass CE ,ROHS。 Power switching adapter with all kinds of certifications, enjoy your using!



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