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供应广州大型龙门式数控切割机 佛山龙门式数控切割机

品 牌: 广州恒亿 
型 号: HY408C1 
单 价: 98000.00元/台 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
所在地: 广东 广州市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-08-28
浏览次数: 153
  • 广州市增城恒亿机械厂
  • 联系人姚振祺    未注册
  • 电话
  • 手机
  • 地区广东 广州市
  • 地址中国.广东省.广州市.增城市新塘新围工业区工业路11号

是否提供加工定制 类型 切割机
电流 交流控制方式 数控
驱动形式 电动用途 钣金加工
频段 高频作用对象 金属
作用原理 逆变等离子源 深圳瑞凌
最大切割厚度 200(mm)安装占地 4*8m
产品别名 龙门式数控切割机  

              龙门式数控等离子/火焰切割机     我公司生产的龙门式数控等离子/火焰切割机是一种将电脑控制、精密机械传动、氧燃气切割或等离子切割相结合的具有高效率、高精度、高可靠性的多功能热切割自动化设备。适合多种材料的加工,可满足大、中、小型企业的需求。   

 该龙门式数控等离子/火焰切割机主体采用门式结构,外型美观,稳定性好,机械传动采用高精度伺服系统、高精度齿轮齿条及台湾精密行星齿轮减速器,机械结构增设自动补偿齿隙装置,使之做到无隙传动,保证了切割机良好的使用性能和精确度;标准配置为一把火焰升降割炬和一把等离子升降割炬,既可以进行火焰切割,也可以进行等离子切割,其中等离子切割电源可以根据用户需求配置国产等离子电源或进口等离子电源。同时配置弧压调高系统,在切割过程中具有等离子割炬防碰撞功能。  HY-308C2龙门式数控切割机是造船,桥梁,钢结构,化工机械,车辆等行业高效率高质量直条切割的必备设备,整机结构刚度高,稳定性好。机架,导轨,齿条等关键部件均经过精密加工,并采用齿轮齿条无间隙齿合传动,机器运作平稳,速度连续可调。本机能提供多种调速方式供用户选择。






 龙门重型式数控火焰等离子切割机Heavy Duty CNC gantry flame plasma cutting machine 龙门重型式数控火焰等离子切合机横向4米,纵向轨长8米,轨长可根据客户需求2米每节加长,整机龙门式结构,刚性好,造型美观,低重心,双边驱动,运行平稳,安装方便。采用专业工控切割系统,功能强大,超大17寸液晶显示屏,人性化工业级电脑,画图,编程,控制一体化,并且具有自动调高,自动点火,自动套料,火焰和等离子切割可一键转换,操作简单易学,无需高学问,高技术人才,只要会用CAD软件,1小时内轻松学会操作。能实现切割精度高,厚板切割效果好,薄板切割效率高的特点,省时,省力,省燃料,高效是重工业及船舶制造业大批量钢材切割的首选设备。 Gantry CNC flame plasma of heavy machine horizontal line with 4 m, 8 m vertical rail, rail length according to customer needs 2 meters longer per session, the whole gantry structure, rigid, beautiful shape, low center of gravity, bilateral drive, run smooth, easy installation。A professional industrial cutting system, powerful, large 17-inch LCD display, user-friendly chemical-class computers, drawing, programming, control integration, and automatic increases, automatic ignition, automatic nesting, flame and plasma cutting a key conversion, simple to learn, without the high knowledge, high-tech talent, just use CAD software, easy to learn how to operate within one hour.To achieve high accuracy cutting, plate cutting effect, the characteristics of high efficiency thin cut, saving time, effort, fuel-efficient heavy industry and shipbuilding industry, large quantities of steel cutting device of choice.  龙门式多头直条数控火焰切割机  Long straight gantry CNC cutting machine   多头直条数控火焰切割机式多头龙门式火焰切割机,横向4-10米,轨长6-50米,根据客户需求订做,造型美观,采用双边驱动,低重心,运行平稳。可按用户要求来配置抽条割炬,可以根据用户要求配置数控异型割炬系统,可选配自动调高系统。此机常应用于重工业及船舶,铁路制造业大批量钢材抽条下料,大大提高生产效益,节约成本。 Long straight CNC flame cutting machine type long gantry cutting machine, horizontal 4-10 m, 6-50 m long track, customized according to customer demand, handsome in appearance, with bilateral drive, low center of gravity, smooth operation. Configured according to user requirements cutting torch can be configured according to user requirements CNC shaped cutting torch system, optional auto-adjusting system. This machine often used in heavy industry and shipbuilding, steel rail manufacturing large quantities of materials under pumping, greatly improved production efficiency and cost savings.  数控相贯线切割机CNC cutting machine Intersection 数控相贯线圆管切割机是对在钢管上切割各种形状的图形(如圆,方,椭圆等)方便的切割钢管类工作,无需操作者计算,编程,只需要输入管道相贯系统管子半径,相交角度参数,机器就能自动切割出管子的相贯线,相贯线孔及焊接坡口等CNC pipe cutting machine intersecting line is the pipe cutting various shapes of graphics (such as round, square, oval, etc.) to facilitate the type of work cutting steel, no operator computing, programming, only need to enter the pipeline system pipe intersection radius, the intersection angle parameters, the machine will automatically cut out the pipe intersecting lines, intersecting lines such as holes and welding groove.  排料软件  Nesting software  FastCAM是一款全自动共边连割套料软件,该软件主要针对数控切割机,包括火焰,等离子,激光和水刀等数控切割机,用于任意形状零件的绘图,编程,套料,校检和数控切割,通过FastCAM可以提高钢材套料率,有效节省钢材;提高编程、套料和切割工作效率,有效提高切割生产率。全自动共边套料功能是再自动套料的过程中实现矩形零件,任意零件不同边长的自动共边。无需手工编辑,自动处理不同零件的共边和连割,为防止和避免热切割变形,自动处理切割方向和穿孔点得位置。借用切割过程的边缘,直接预热切割,避免穿孔。共边套料切割的主要用途:一是避免和减少零件间的切割间距,提高钢材利用率,二是共边切割使每个矩形零件少切一条或二条边,有效减少切割行程,提高切割效率,三是共边切割借用切割过得边缘预热,避免穿孔,减少预热时间,提高切割效率,同时有效节省割嘴和耗材。  FastCAM is a fully automatic edge-cutting nesting software with the software mainly for CNC cutting machines, including flame, plasma, laser and water jet cutting machines such as CNC for the drawing of arbitrary shape parts, programming, nesting, school inspection and CNC cutting through steel nesting FastCAM can increase the rate of saving steel; improve programming, nesting and cutting efficiency, improve cutting productivity. Automatic edge-nesting automatic nesting function is then the process to achieve a rectangular parts, any part of a different side of the auto side. No manual editing, automatic processing of different parts and even cutting edge, cutting to prevent and avoid heat distortion, automatic processing was cutting direction and location of perforation point. Borrow the edge of the cutting process, cutting directly preheating to avoid perforation. Of the main cutting edge nesting purposes: First, to avoid and reduce spacing between parts of the cutting, increased utilization of steel, the second is cut so that each edge-cut rectangular parts one or two small side, effectively reducing the cutting stroke, improved cutting efficiency third, to borrow a total of cutting edge cutting edge of warm-up passes, to avoid perforation, reduced warm-up time, improve cutting efficiency and saving tip and supplies. 友情提醒: 等离子数控切割机的优点:加工速度快,割后毛刺少,特别适合薄板,不锈钢板,无预热时间,环保;火焰切割机优点:适合切割厚板材50MM以上我们以专业的技术和高质量的服务水平随时恭候您的光临 恒亿数控切割机的优良品质源于恒亿机械的不懈追求!                    


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